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Classroom Tools


No grade 8.

Machine Learning with Teachable Machine

Moving a circle with up/down/left/right signals.


Machine Learning with Teachable Machine

Teachable Machine

Using with p5.js

Show what is detected
Move ball up and down
In the above programs, replace the link on line 1 with the link to your model.


No grade 8.

Python Turtle Graphics

Lesson (Follow this link and scroll down to Let’s Get Started)


Finish Last Homework

If you already have a note from me on Google Classroom that your homework is complete, you have these options:

  • keep adding to your adventure game
  • do something else with Python, or with p5.js, Blender or Tinkercad Codeblocks


Finish Last Homework

If you already have a note from me on Google Classroom that your homework is complete, you have these options:

  • keep adding to your adventure game
  • do something else with Python, or with p5.js, Blender or Tinkercad Codeblocks


New Adventure Game

Start here. Let’s study this program, and:

  • Change the places (right now they are: airstrip, forest, cave, meadow)
  • Add new places
  • Add events that can give you inventory items or end the game


Adventure Game: Improving the User Experience

Let’s make the game easier for the player.

  • Let them answer with one letter: Where to? (B)each, or (G)rocery store?
  • Convert responses to lower case: place.lower()
  • Exit the game when they lose: exit()


Adventure Game: Adding Randomness

Start here. We’ll add these features in class:

  • award a randomly-chosen number of knowledge points (randint)
  • randomize the messages that appear in the various game places (randint, choice, and if)

Optionally do the assignment in Google Classroom.


Adventure Game: More Practice with print, input and if


Practice with print, input and if

day = 'Friday'
print('Hello, world! Today is', day)

name = input('Hi. Your name? ')

answer = input('What is "hello" in Spanish? ')
if answer == 'hola':
  print('Sorry, the answer is "hola"')

Once you are comfortable with those, please make something with p5.js, Python, Blender or Tinkercad Codeblocks.


Python Dictionaries, Continued

Let’s get everyone to submit a correct program

If you have submitted a correct program, please make something with p5.js, Python, Blender or Tinkercad Codeblocks. Maybe you’d like to show something you make.

(Grade 6, in the classroom, experienced videoconference problems. We barely got through the “Hello, world” warmup.)


Opening a Door in Unity

Python Dictionaries, Continued

Let’s get everyone to submit a correct program

2021-02-19 Python Dictionaries

Start here


Game Character Generator

Using Python and Flask, make a web app that generates the attributes of a game character.

Start here

Grades 6–8 got to version 2 of the project.


Current Weather Web App, Continued

Show Data on the Web Page

Find weather items from the data below, and add them to your web page.

coord {'lon': -122.1119, 'lat': 37.8961}
main {'temp': 12.59, 'feels_like': 10.04, 'temp_min': 11.67, 'temp_max': 13.33, 'pressure': 1024, 'humidity': 47}
visibility 10000
wind {'speed': 1.16, 'deg': 29}
sys {'type': 1, 'id': 3581, 'country': 'US', 'sunrise': 1612537726, 'sunset': 1612575374}
name Lafayette

In your index.html file you use pairs of braces to extract the elements you want. For example, {{weather.main.temp}} gives you the temperature. Can you find main and temp in the data above? {{weather.main.feels_like}} gives you the “feels like” temperature. Can you find main and feels_like above? How about {{weather.main.humidity}}?

How would you get the wind speed? That’s in a different section. {{weather.wind.speed}} gets you wind speed. What about wind direction (measured in degrees)? Sunrise and sunset?


Last Week’s Assignment


Current Weather Web App

We will create a web app to show the current weather, using Python and the Flask web application framework.


Create a p5.js program on repl.it demonstrating that you’ve met the objectives from 2021-01-08. Provide a link to your program in response to today’s assignment in Google Classroom.

More p5.js Information


p5.js, Continued from 2020-11-20

Exercise: Create something with 2D primitives

Log in to repl.it

Go to repl.it. Log in with a Google or other account.

  • Become comfortable with the 2D (x, y) coordinate system and positioning shapes in it
  • Understand stroke and fill
  • Be able to place objects where you want them
  • Use width and height so that the result scales correctly when the canvas size is changed
  • Be able to use the p5.js reference to learn about p5.js


Holiday-Themed Tinkercad Codeblocks Creations

One on One

Mr. B. will call on students to check on their progress.


One on One

Mr. B. will call students in random order to work one on one with any of:

The rest of the class can watch or create something of their own.


Advent of Code

About Advent of Code

Day 1 Puzzle

This Python code will get us started.

What we’ll learn while solving this problem:

  • reading data from a file into a list
  • looping over the contents of a list
  • a loop within a loop
  • adding numbers and comparing the sum to a number
  • multiplying numbers


Grades 6–8


Last week we practiced using JavaScript by itself, without p5.js. We now return to using JavaScript with p5.js.

Exercise: Create something with 2D primitives

Log in to repl.it

Go to repl.it. Log in with a Google or other account.

  • Become comfortable with the 2D (x, y) coordinate system and positioning shapes in it
  • Understand stroke and fill
  • Be able to place objects where you want them
  • Use width and height so that the result scales correctly when the canvas size is changed
  • Be able to use the p5.js reference to learn about p5.js
  • A house
  • A lake with cabins surrounding it
  • A robot
  • A musical instrument
  • A person
  • Birds in the sky


Grade 5

Tinkercad Codeblocks


We’ll create a row of several objects (pyramids, perhaps) by repeating a sequence of blocks. Then we’ll shorten the code by using a loop.


Grades 6–8

JavaScript Basics, in Coding Rooms

You don’t need to create an account. Please provide your real name instead of “anonymous something”.

  • “Printing” to the console
  • Creating variables
  • Printing numbers, expressions, and variables
  • Loops
  • Random numbers


Grades 6–8, Short Schedule


See description in 2020-11-20, where we continue.

Exercise: Create something with 2D primitives

If You Already Know All This

If you don’t need this lesson, please explore your own p5.js ideas and projects, or make something with Python, Blender or Tinkercad Codeblocks.


Grade 6: Technical problems, perhaps due to not using headphones. Little progress.
Grade 7: Got through the corners problem solution, and started on the exercise. Needed to turn off the camera of the person speaking in order hear that person without garbling.
Grade 8: Good discussion in show and tell/ask a CS question. Need to repeat the corners explanation.


Grades 6–8

Show and Tell

Ask Your Computer Science Questions


Grade 5

No meeting today


Grades 5–8

Show and Tell

Ask Your Computer Science Questions



Our p5.js page:

If You Don’t Need the Review

If you don’t need the review, please explore your own p5.js ideas and projects, or make something with Python, Blender or Tinkercad Codeblocks. Maybe you’d like to show something you make.

Rainbow colors program:

let hue = 0

function setup() {
  createCanvas(700, 450)

function draw() {
  fill(hue, 100, 100)
  ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 200, 30)
  if (hue > 360)
    hue = 0


Grades 5–8

Mr. B’s Show and Tell

Ask Your Computer Science Questions

One on One, Continued


Grade 5

See 2020-10-02, Grades 6–8


Grades 6–8

Mr. B’s Show and Tell

One on One

Mr. B. will call students in random order to work one on one with any of:

  • Python
  • Blender
  • Tinkercad
    • Codeblocks

The rest of the class can watch or create something of their own. Ideas (from past lessons):

  • Continue the silly sentences program
  • Use Python with Blender to create various objects in a scene
  • Use Codeblocks with Tinkercad to make something


Grades 5–8

Mr. B’s Show and Tell

Dice throwing Unity program


  • Random numbers
  • Loops
    • (Grade 5 got to here, but haven’t finished)


  • Random numbers
  • Loops

Python in Blender

  • Creating multiple objects at random locations
    • (Grade 6 got as far as creating a single object)


Grade 5

Mr. B’s Show and Tell

Something in Blender

  • a cube
  • subdividing into 27 smaller cubes
  • extruding faces to make new parts
  • moving a face
  • coloring with materials


Python Exercises

  • print string literals
  • print arithmetic expressions
  • almost got to create a loop with for


Python and Blender

A cube of monkeys

import bpy

s = 7
for x in range(s):
    for y in range(s):
        for z in range(s):
            bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_monkey_add(location=(x * 3, y * 3, z * 3))


Grades 6–8

Mr. B’s Show and Tell

Something in Blender

Installing Blender

Problems? It’s free.

Tinkercad Alternative

If you aren’t able to run Blender, please make something with Tinkercad Codeblocks during class today.


Python and Blender

Switch to the Scripting workspace (the tab at the top). Click New in the large window that appears to create a space where you can write Python code.

A cube

import bpy


A row of cubes

import bpy

s = 7
for x in range(s):
    bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(location=(x * 3, 0, 0))

A cube of cubes

import bpy

s = 7
for x in range(s):
    for y in range(s):
        for z in range(s):
            bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(location=(x * 3, y * 3, z * 3))

Grade 5

Mr. B’s Show and Tell

Something in Blender

Installing Blender

Problems? It’s free.


Let’s look at some of your Tinkercad creations.


Let’s do some Python programming together.

from random import choice
nouns = ['girl', 'farmer', 'bicycle']
verbs = ['runs', 'cooks', 'swims']
print(choice(nouns), choice(verbs))


Grades 6–8

Mr. B’s Show and Tell

Latest Unity project


Let’s look at some of your Tinkercad creations.


Let’s do some Python programming together.

from random import choice
nouns = ['girl', 'farmer', 'bicycle']
verbs = ['runs', 'cooks', 'swims']
print(choice(nouns), choice(verbs))


All Grades

  • Join your Google Classroom
  • Mr. B’s latest fun projects
  • Tinkercad
    • We can make 3D models and use them in games we create
    • Log in
      • Using a Google account may be easiest
    • Go through tutorials to learn the basics
    • Make something (house, animal, vehicle, whatever you like)
    • Codeblocks
      • Let’s make something together
      • You make something else on your own