Dave B’s Student Information System
I’ve been using meetup.com to publicize and enroll students into my classes since early 2014, but it’s not an ideal system for my needs. So, being a programmer, and having had considerable experience with student information systems as a volunteer with the Lafayette School District and as a contractor with School Loop, I have written my own, Dave B’s Student Information System.
You can read more about it on its home page.
Creating an Account
If you want your kids to study programming with me now or when school starts, please create an account there and give me the information I need to schedule the right classes at the right times. If your child has been to me for classes in the last few months, I already have data entered in the system for you. I am gradually emailing out special links to those parents to help them create accounts without having to reenter information I already have. Let me know if I can expedite sending you your special link.