Years ago, as I was building the teaching side of my business, I wrote a letter of introduction to a local organization now known as Lafayette Partners in Education, wanting to join with them in some way to help the local public school students with computers.

It’s fun to read how I describe the Internet and its applications of the time, (such as Gopher), and how I’m “well connected with the electronic communities of CompuServe, Prodigy, and the Internet, and can get answers from experts in many areas.”

May 13, 1994
Lafayette Arts and Science Foundation
P.O. Box 923
Lafayette, CA 94549

Dear Lafayette Arts and Science Foundation:

Hello. My purpose in writing today is threefold:

  • I want to introduce myself and make you aware of my company’s educational services.
  • I want to offer my help as a volunteer bringing computer and information technology to Lafayette schools.
  • I want to support the LASF through the Lafayette Chamber of Commerce-endorsed Business Partner In Education program.

First, I am a 34 year old self-employed computer programming consultant. I write custom software for clients on IBM type PCs. I am teaching computer programming at DVC College for Kids for my second year this summer, and I will be involved with National Computer Camps’ Santa Clara camp this July (brochures are available from Santa Clara University at … - I have enclosed one). I am interested in spending more time in computer education, especially teaching computer programming. My brochure tells a little more about me (About the Instructor) and the tutoring services I offer. I’ve been volunteering a bit at the Lafayette Chamber of Commerce, and I believe the wonderful office staff members Ann Denny, Sue Cross, and Karen Rose could be persuaded to say nice things about me. Barb Sorken told me about the LASF while she was cutting my hair a few weeks ago.

Next, I want to make myself available as a volunteer technical resource to help with computers in the schools. I am quite knowledgeable with IBM type PCs, having worked with them and programmed them since 1982. I don’t know much about Apple computers.

I am very familiar with the Internet, which is sometimes described as a prototype for the Information Superhighway. Every day I use such components as electronic mail, newsgroups (sophisticated, worldwide “bulletin board” systems), IRC (real-time, worldwide, “chat” facilities), World Wide Web and Gopher (powerful tools to simplify and organize access to the many widely scattered Internet services), and FTP (a way to exchange files (documents, free programs, etc.) with other users around the world). I would like to help get Lafayette schools online to take advantage of this excellent resource.

I would like to visit classes or computer clubs and help kids with computer programming. I may be able to offer advice to educators about hardware and software purchases. I am well connected with the electronic communities of CompuServe, Prodigy, and the Internet, and can get answers from experts in many areas.

Finally, I am pleased to support the Lafayette Arts and Science Foundation financially in a small way as a Friend in your Business Partner In Education program.

I hope we will be able to work together in some way.

Dave Briccetti

Dave Briccetti & Associates brochures
$100 donation check
National Computer Camps fliers and brochure

Barb Sorken, Lafayette Chamber of Commerce LASF committee chair Lafayette Chamber of Commerce Office Staff