St. Perpetua 2023–24 Computer Science Grade 5
Go to the latest lesson. See all classes.
Classroom and Self-Directed Learning Resources
- Mr. Briccetti’s YouTube Channel with many programming lessons for you to explore on your own
- MakeCode
- Block-based Programming Environments
- MicroBlocks
- EduBlocks
- Blockly Games
- Snap!
- Run Snap!
- Snap! Reference Manual
- Snap! Crash Course
- “Why Do We Have to Learn This Baby Language?” from Brian Harvey, Teaching Professor Emeritus, University of California, Berkeley
- micro:bit Python editor
- Visualizing your Python program with Python Tutor Visualizer
- p5.js
- Tinkercad
- Beauty and Joy of Computing Curricula
- BJC Sparks for Middle School and Early High School
- BJC for High School (you are free to explore this if you run out of things to do in the middle school curriculum)
- Zooniverse
- Teachable Machine
- Music
First Day, 2023-11-30
Welcome to Computer Science
Join Your Class in Google Classroom
Computing in the News
What does a sustainable smartphone look like?
MakeCode for micro:bit
Self-Directed Learning
Computing in the News
Low Budget Should Not Mean High Risk: Kids’ Tablet Came Preloaded with Sketchyware
Advent of Code
MakeCode for micro:bit
Computing in the News
Symbols used in computer science (Symbols badge)
- Brackets
: Curly Brackets (braces)[]
: Square Brackets<>
: Angle Brackets()
: Parentheses (if just one, it’s a “Parenthesis”)
: Hash (also Pound Sign, Number Sign, or Octothorp, but never Hashtag)/
: Slash\
: Backslash!
: Exclamation Point (bang)@
: At Sign*
: Asterisk (splat)_
: Underscore- -: Hyphen
- –: En-Dash
- —: Em-Dash
: Less Than>
: Greater Than;
: Semicolon:
: Colon'
: Single Quote or Apostrophe"
: Double Quote
Learn the symbols with this program.
MakeCode for micro:bit
Who’s ready to earn their micro:bit badge?
Computing in the News
Symbols used in computer science (Symbols badge)
Learn the symbols with this program.
Servo Motor with micro:bit
Self-Directed Learning
Computing in the News
Robots key to new ways of farming as labor shortage looms
Symbols used in computer science (Symbols badge)
More micro:bit and Tinkercad (3D badge)
Computing in the News
Your Tablet’s Light Sensor Can Spy On You
Symbols used in computer science (Symbols badge)
Preparing for the micro:bit treasure hunt
Beacon Finder
Symbols badges
Self-Directed Learning
Symbols badges
Introduction to Snap!
Computing in the News
Here’s a little drawing program with a brush that changes color.
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
let hue = 0;
function draw() {
fill(hue, 100, 100)
ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 30, 10)
hue = (hue + 1) % 360
Computing in the News
Go language hits top 10 in the Tiobe index
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400, WEBGL);
function draw() {
rotateY(frameCount / 100)
Self-Directed Learning
Computing in the News
GoWyze camera security issue showed 13,000 users other owners’ homes
Symbols test
More p5.js
Here’s a program that shows video after a delay.
Computing in the News
Women in Computer Science: Adele Goldberg
Dave Briccetti (left) with Adele Goldberg (center) and the
Agile Mind Team in 2006
Story of How Mr. Briccetti Came to Work for Adele Goldberg
Self-Directed Learning
A Surprise
Computing in the News
micro:bit game
Self-Directed Learning
Computing in the News: Grace Hopper
- When did she live?
- Where did she get her math and physics degrees?
- Where did the term “debugging” come from?
- What programming language did she help develop?
- What computers did she work on at Harvard?
- What did she say is her greatest accomplishment?
Programming the micro:bit in Python
Explore examples in the Ideas tab.
Self-Directed Learning
Computing in the News
Google to destroy billions of data records to settle “incognito” lawsuit
Tinkercad Circuits
Self-Directed Learning
Computing in the News
35-gram Hopcopter revolutionizes robotics with its hops and flight
Snap! Clones
Self-Directed Learning
Computing in the News
“The Impossible Statue” Uses AI To Blend The Styles Of Five Master Sculptors
Practice Quiz on Kahoot
Self-Directed Learning
Computing in the News
How TikTok’s algorithm personalizes what you see
Self-Directed Learning
Student Progress Report
Computing in the News: A project from Adafruit Show and Tell
Let’s make music with Python!
Self-Directed Learning
Student Progress Report
Computing in the News
Scientists find 57,000 cells and 150m neural connections in tiny sample of human brain
Self-Directed Learning
Student Progress Report
Computing in the News
Robotic palm mimics human touch