St. Perpetua 2024–25 Computer Science Elective Trimester 3
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Classroom and Self-Directed Learning Resources
- Mr. Briccetti’s YouTube Channel with many programming lessons for you to explore on your own
- MakeCode
- Block-based Programming Environments
- MicroBlocks
- EduBlocks
- Blockly Games
- Snap!
- Run Snap!
- Snap! Reference Manual
- Snap! Crash Course
- “Why Do We Have to Learn This Baby Language?” from Brian Harvey, Teaching Professor Emeritus, University of California, Berkeley
- micro:bit Python editor
- Visualizing your Python program with Python Tutor Visualizer
- p5.js
- Tinkercad
- Beauty and Joy of Computing Curricula
- BJC Sparks for Middle School and Early High School
- BJC for High School (you are free to explore this if you run out of things to do in the middle school curriculum)
- Zooniverse
- Teachable Machine
- Music
First Day, 2025-03-04
Welcome to Computer Science
Your Previous Computer Science Experience
Join Your Class in Google Classroom
Look at Earlier Trimesters to See What We May Cover
Python Text Adventure Game Programming with Edublocks
Create a new project in Edublocks and name it Adventure
. Choose text mode. Paste the following code into the editor:
from random import random
print("Welcome to Marvelous Adventure!")
while True:
print("Where to? 1) Field, 2) Barn, 0) Exit")
destination = int(input("==> "))
if destination == 1:
print("Welcome to the field!")
if random() < 0.5:
print("A rabbit runs across your path.")
elif destination == 2:
print("You’re in the barn.")
if random() < 0.8:
print("A cow moos.")
elif destination == 0:
We’ll discuss and build on this code using your ideas.
Self-Directed Learning
First Day, 2025-03-04
Critical Thinking
- Anchoring bias: The tendency to rely too heavily on the first piece of information encountered when making decisions.
- Strawman fallacy: Misrepresenting someone’s argument to make it easier to attack.
Python Basics with Edublocks
- print function
- numbers
- strings
- arithmetic expressions
- variables
- loops